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    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    METAL GEAR SOLID I was talking to my friend about MGs and he decide to take a stab at the timeline.

    METAL GEAR SOLID I was talking to my friend about MGs and he decide to take a stab at the timeline.

    I was talking to my friend about MGs and he decide to take a stab at the timeline.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:22 AM PST

    just noticed in the credits of mgs4

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:10 PM PST

    (SPOILERS) I really want to like MGS4, but I just can't.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:26 AM PST

    I read over the rules to this subreddit and I think/hope I'm not violating them, so/but here goes...

    I've been a fan of Metal Gear for over half of my life- it's my favorite series and getting to share the experience with gaming friends and family has always been amongst my fondest memories... except for Guns of the Patriots.

    There are plenty of awesome things about MGS4, from the soundtrack to the countless little easter eggs. Unfortunately, I cannot get past the story and the writing. Nanomachines being the reason for everything, character arcs going in unnatural directions and Snake being old for ultimately no reason, amongst other things. I want to be wrong- I want to see MGS4's story to be as beautiful as I find the Love Theme, but I have struggled for years to like this game and only see more and more problems. If anyone can change my mind, please do.

    submitted by /u/ACorpulentDoggo
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    [OC] Pre MGS3 lore Big Boss - commissioned by Gray Shuko

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:26 AM PST

    What happened to that car from MGSV at TGS?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:04 AM PST

    I remember looking at some photos from TGS 2015 with a MGSV theme, and seeing a real car that looks just like the ones in MGSV being set to look like it's being fultoned and specifically noticing that it was branded "Ford". That got me to think, they must have collaborated with Ford. However, I have never heard anything about this or anything about it anywhere. So now, I did several Google searches among the lines of: mgsv, real, car, ford, fulton, show, promotional. And after a long time of scrolling what i thought to be my last search, I found a low-res image a fultoned sheep like what I could remember, then went to that (Russian) website forum where I could not understand but then found all the photos of what I remembered seeing, including the Ford car, and then did a 'Search by image' and found the original tweet by Kojima with that photo, mentioning that it's from TGS. Finally, with a good end to the story, I decided to post this here and see what the subreddit thinks and hopefully learn something more about this. (e.g. where to find a real car like that)


    submitted by /u/Mighty-Pirate
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    Can you get a drum mag for the g44

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:43 PM PST

    I have scoured numerous threads with multiple people contradicting each other, so I want the real answer please. I have already bought both the PG-67 and the AM MRS-4LS with the drum mag upgrades. So have I wasted a lot of time and resources?

    submitted by /u/mcsmackyoaz
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    MGS HD COLLECTION Xbox avatars

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:27 PM PST

    I recently bought the hd collection for my Xbox 360 and I wanted to get the avatar stuff, how do I unlock it

    submitted by /u/anakinadam9
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    Is MGSV suitable for noobs like me?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:35 AM PST

    I'm thinking about trying this game but the thing is I never play games like this. Last time I tried stealth was The last of us and it was so difficult for me, I was raging as hell (because of the stealth and shooting aspect of the game, it was hard for me idk why). I don't like shooting at all, I hate weapons, in games like Uncharted I always enable auto-aim (aim assist).

    Idk why I want to try MGSV, I watched every Metal gear game story in Youtube and the fox engine is so damn good. But I'd like to have it on PS4 and as I mentioned - I can't shoot properly using a gamepad, I miss.

    Btw once I've seen my friends friend playing this game and he was rescuing Kaz and I was just watching, I thought this would be so fucking difficult for me...idk I'm such a clumsy person. But I played Ground Zeroes on PC, it was so short but I liked it, though it was haaard.

    So the question is MGSV hard or casual? Is shooting comfortable with the gamepad?

    Also the common complaints about this game being repetitive as hell concerns me. But I think if I will stick to main missions only and avoid side quest I should be OK (idk if side quests are required for upgrades or something).

    Please don't tell me 'the game is cheap so you can try'. No. I need to be sure before investing my precious time.

    submitted by /u/odonis
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    [Spoilers] Why does Vulcan Raven call Ocelot this?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:07 PM PST

    Lately I've been replaying MGS1. After the tank battle, Vulcan Raven talks to Ocelot and Liquid. However he calls Ocelot General Ivan. Is there any reason for this, or is this just retconned lore?as his name was changed later to Adamska in Metal Gear Solid 3.

    Originally I thought maybe it was a reference to Ivan Raidenovich but ofcourse that's impossible. I'd like to imagine Ocelot was using Raidenovich's name to hide his identity.

    submitted by /u/Toast-On-Cheese
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    Death Stranding

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:28 AM PST

    You guys think when DS comes to PC someone will port Snakes model over to it so you can be Punished Pizza Snake

    submitted by /u/Neros_Arm
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    Can i buy (msg,mgs2,mgs3,mgs4) in ps3?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:27 AM PST

    I really wanna play all the mgs games but I unfortunately dont have all the sony consoles,is there a way to buy it in ps3 or like a bundle in that has all the mgs? Help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/no-just-stop
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    Every Metal Gear Solid game is better than Death Stranding

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:34 PM PST

    Just finished Death Stranding last night. While it's a solid game and I appreciate what Kojima was trying to do, there was not a single MGS game I enjoyed playing less than DS. Maybe it's because I was invested in the Metal Gear universe, but I feel every MGS game was better than DS. And this isn't to say DS isn't a good game. It is a good game.

    submitted by /u/Foxhound_6
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    Raiden Skin Claim

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:48 PM PST

    I did all missions with s rank and got grandmaster elite how can I claim the raiden skin?

    submitted by /u/Navid-Takishida
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    such a fun side-op, it was a shame I couldn’t figure out where the skull remnants were!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:13 PM PST

    Hey all , need some help with MGS3 on PS4 using PS Now.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:23 PM PST

    Hey this is my first playthrough of the series and I feel like an idiot. Just learned that using the DPad makes you walk so you can actually sneak up on people but CQC makes no sense. On a PS4 controller, it just doesnt seem to work. If I try to grab someone using CQC then one of two things can happen. 1. I hold circle to grab and Snake grabs and then instantly slits the guys throat. Or 2. I try to ease off the pressure with the circle button so he wont kill them and Snake then just let's them go. Am I being dumb or what? I want to play this as non lethally as possible but not being able to choke people out makes that hard. Also please no spoilers I am only a few hours in.

    submitted by /u/Cado111
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