• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 11, 2021

    METAL GEAR SOLID I dont know if this has been posted but my friend just sent me this and thought i should share it

    METAL GEAR SOLID I dont know if this has been posted but my friend just sent me this and thought i should share it

    I dont know if this has been posted but my friend just sent me this and thought i should share it

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 06:41 AM PST

    A fine addition to my collection. Finally found one

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 05:00 AM PST

    Venom Snake Cosplay

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 07:47 AM PST

    Remember it's just a joke.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 11:03 AM PST

    My old Venom Snake walking through the hallway to meet Solid Snake in mg1 already turned demon by now though one can see his demon form more as a mental state than a physical state its still a interesting concept I think if he'd show up like this in mg1.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 05:53 AM PST

    My GZ figures just arrived

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 02:48 AM PST

    Metal Gear Solid art - by P-SE DAE

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 01:07 AM PST

    Who is Iroquois Pliskin?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 06:24 AM PST

    Like yeah I know he's Snake's alias in MGS2, but does the name mean something? Did he steal it from somebody? If he did steal it from somebody, what did Pliskin actually do in lore? Was he just a random navy soldier or did he have a major role?

    submitted by /u/GrizzlyGrotz
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    MGR fastest record

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 02:09 AM PST

    My Translation of Kojima's Matrix Review

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 06:52 AM PST

    My Translation of Kojima's Matrix Review

    This Translation is based on an OCR Scan (Convertio & KanjiTomo) and was done with DeepL and Jisho. I am also on Twitter (https://twitter.com/NilsPommerenke/) and will post more Translations in the future.^^ If you notice mistakes, don't hesitate to point them out. I would also be glad to have some people who would look over translations like this one.

    Published in ゲーム批評 Vol. 28
    01 September 1999



    第16幕『THE MATRIX』(Episode 16)コジマシネマ開演の挨拶

    観ました!観ました! 遂に『マトリックス』を! 前号でも軽く触れていましたが、なんせあの『スター・ウォーズ』よりも観たかった映画なのです。今年の頭にヮーナーの試写室で予告編を観て以来、ずつと気になつていたのです。といぅのも、ずっと待機状態になっている次企画のアクション・アイディア(壁を走って弾を避ける、高速で弾を避ける等)や、キヤラクター・イメージに非常にダブるところがあったのです。「やられた!!」という感覚と同時に、妙な親近感が湧きました。きつと「ニューロマンサー」を書いている時に『ブレラン』を観たウィリアム・ギブスンも同じ気持ちだったのではないでしょうか?

    Opening Remarks at Kojima Cinema

    I watched it! I've seen it! Finally, I saw "The Matrix"! As I briefly mentioned in the previous issue, I wanted to see this movie more than "Star Wars". I've been curious about it ever since I saw the trailer in a screening room at Warner earlier this year. This is because the action ideas for my next project (running along the wall to avoid bullets, dodging bullets at high speed, etc.), which has been in standby mode for a long time, were very similar to the ideas and images of the creators. I felt like, "I've been hacked!" At the same time, I felt a strange sense of being connected. William Gibson, who saw "Blade Runner" while he was writing "Neuromancer," must have felt the same way.


    『マトリックス』への期待度はかなりのものでしたが、さらにおつりが来る面白さでした。ただ意外だったのは、ビジュアル等から、現代アクション劇を想像していたのですが、実際はかなりへビーな設定のサィバーパンクSFであったりします。コミックやゲー厶 、アニメ、カンフー映画といつた様々な要索をデジタルといぅ魔法 でハリゥッド的にMIXしてこそ実現した、オタク兄弟監督による次世代エンターティメント映画!!


    "The Matrix" is the one to watch this fall!

    My expectations for "The Matrix" were quite high, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was even better. The only thing that surprised me was that from the visuals and such, I imagined it to be a modern action movie, but in fact it is a Cyberpunk SF movie with a very grim setting. This is a next-generation entertainment film directed by otaku brothers, which was made possible by the magic of digital technology that combines various media such as comics, games, animation, and kung fu movies.

    I've already seen this movie three times. The first time I saw it was at the E3 show in Los Angeles in May. At the end of June, I was invited to a preview screening and watched the Japanese subtitled version, which showed that this was not just an action sci-fi movie. It is a film with a philosophical depth, incorporating the essence of the Bible, mathematics, and psychology. This aspect is also very geeky, though.



    「キアヌ・リーブス」「サイバーパンク」といぅキーワードを聞くと、『JM』を思い出す人もいるかもしれませんが、安心して下さい。その心配は不要です。まつたく別物であると同時に、『スピード』の頃の、あの神経質で頼りなげなキアヌが復活です。相変わらずの大根演技には違いないのですが、カンフーやアクション・シーンを吹き替え頑張つています。しかし、今回注目すべきはキアヌよりも、ヒロィンのキヤリー=アン・モスでしょぅ。完全にキアヌやフィッシュバーンを食つてしまつています。彼女のためのプロモーション映画といつてもいいかも。とにかく、格好いい! 一番おいしい所はすべて彼女が持つていってしまいます。強いだけではなく、母性的な優しさ等も上 手く描かれています。前作『バゥンド』でもそうでしたが、ゥォシャゥスキー監督は「強い現代女性」 を描くのが得意なようです。

    Keanu is back!

    Carrie-Anne Moss unleashes her charm!

    The keywords "Keanu Reeves" and "cyberpunk" may remind some people of "JM", but don't worry. It's a completely different story, and at the same time, the nervous and unreliable Keanu from the "Speed" days is back. Although his acting is as hammy as ever, he does a great job performing the kung fu and action scenes. However, this time, it's not Keanu but the heroine, Carrie-Anne Moss, who deserves our attention. She totally eclipsed Keanu and Fishburne. I guess you could call it a promotional film for her. Anyway, she looks great! She takes all the best parts. Not only is she strong, but she also portrays maternal tenderness very well. As was the case with their previous film "Bound", the Wachowskis seem to be excellent at portraying "strong modern women".



    この映画の見所は敍擎戦だけではありません。アクzション監督をあの『ワン**・チャイ』シリーズ等 でお馴染みのユエンゥーピンが 行つているのです。特に今回はウーピン師匠を機材丸ごと香港から招いたということもあり、その力 ンフー・**アクションの完成度はハリゥッド映画では突出しています。キアヌを始め、フイッシュバ ーンやモス等の俳優障に4力月半かけてカンフーとワイャーの訓練をしたということもあり、カンフーファンも涙ものの仕上がりではないでしようか? 壁走りやキリモミ宙返り返り等、香港映画ではすでに見慣れたワイャーウーワークも、ハ リウッドの俳優が見事にこなすことでかなり斬新な映像に見えます。ヴァンダムではなく、キアヌたちにカンフーをトレースさせることで、「MATRIX」という電脳世界の設定をより引き立てています。まさに確信犯です。

    Authentic Kung Fu Action

    and wire work

    The highlight of this movie is not only the lime lighting. The action is directed by Yuen Woo-ping, who is well known for his work in the "Wan Chai" series. This time, the directors invited Master Woo-ping to come from Hong Kong with the entire equipment, and the perfection of the power-fu action is outstanding among Hollywood movies. Keanu, Fishburne, Moss, and other actors spent four and a half months training in kung fu and wai yah, and I'm sure this will bring kung fu fans to tears. The Wai Yau work, such as wall-running and Kirimomi looping motion, is already familiar in Hong Kong movies, but the Hollywood actors do it so well that it looks quite innovative. By having Keanu and his friends trace the kung fu instead of Van Damme, it enhances the setting of the computerized world called "MATRIX". It is truly a conviction.

    デジタル技術と アイディアの融合

    さすがはデジタル世代の監督、VFX、CGの使い方が上手いで す。技術とアイディアを上手く融 合させて、観たことのないビジュアルを作り出すことに成功しています。さりげないところにも、その才能は窺えます。「MATRIX」のモニター画面で緑のデータが雨の滴のように上から下へ流れるエフェクトがあるのですが、その斬新なイマジネーションに感心しました。常にモニターの走査線を水平方向にプログラムで描いている我々には、とても思いつかない表現です。データが数字ではなく、カタカナである工夫もニクイです。また、キアヌがエージェン卜に捕まって車に連行されるシーン。通常のスピードの映像なのですが、車のドアミラーの中だけ高速度撮影された映像が組み込まれていました。非常に印象的な映像に仕ヒがつていました。VFXによる心理描写です。

    Fusion of digital technology and ideas

    As expected from a director of the digital generation, the use of VFX and CG is excellent. He has succeeded in creating never-before-seen visuals by successfully blending technology and creativity. His talent can be seen even in the casual moments. In the monitor screen of "MATRIX," there is an effect where green data flows from top to bottom like drops of rain, and I was impressed by the innovative imagination of this effect. It is an expression that we, who always program the scanning lines of the monitor horizontally, would never have thought of. The use of katakana instead of numbers for the data is also a nice touch. Also, the scene where Keanu is captured by the agents and taken to the car was shot at normal speed, but only in the car's door mirror. It's a very impressive film, a psychoanalysis with VFX.


    『マトリツクス』斬新な視覚効果に圧倒ネれる。"The Matrix" is overwhelming for its visual effects.


    観たことのない映像を「具現化」するために、様々なイメージボードを描き、アイディアを拾って、 新しい技術や手法を編み出す。それによって映画の新しい局面が生まれていく。テクノロジーとアイディアにより、際限なく広がるイマジネーション... 。これがSFXの基本であり、それが映画の醍蝴味です。これまでにも『2001年宇宙の旅」や『スター**・ゥォーズ』『T2』『ジュラシック・** パーク』等、ある作品の技術開拓によって新しい世界への扉がいくつも開かれ、映画座業はその都度、成長してきました。『マトリックス』も、そういうフロンテイア的な功績を残す画であると思います。ゲー厶も同じです。アイディアと技術がうまく結びついた時、それまでに観たことのなかつた、体験したことのなかった世界が見えてくる、そしてさらにエンターテイメントの枠が広がつていく……。次もそんなゲームを作りたいと思つています。

    SFX and time-lapse photography

    In order to "materialize" an image that no one has ever seen before, various storyboards are drawn, ideas are picked up, and new techniques and methods are created. In this way, a new kind of film is born. With technology and creativity, imagination is limitless... This is the essence of SFX, and it is the essence of film. In the past, we have seen such films as "2001: A Space Odyssey," "Star Wars," "T2," and "Jurassic Park". The movie business has grown each time with them.. I believe that "The Matrix" is one of such frontier achievements. The same goes for gaming. When creativity and technology are successfully combined, worlds that have never been seen or experienced before are revealed, and the boundaries of entertainment are further expanded. ...... I would like to make games like this in the future.

    『マトリツクス』THE MATRIX監轚/脚本=ラリー&アンディー・ウォシャウスキー ​主演=りキアヌ・リーブス/キヤリー=アン・モスプログラマーとして働くネオ(キアヌ・リーブス)は、最近「起きていてもまだ夢を見ているような感覚」に悩まされていた。ある日、彼のパソコンのモ二夕ーに不可思議な文字列が浮かび上がる。「マトリツクスが狙つている」……。(ワーナー・ブラザース配給 9月公開予定)

    Directed and written by Larry and Andy Wachowski Starring Keanu Reeves and Ann Moss. Programmer Neo (Keanu Reeves) has recently been suffering from the feeling that he is still dreaming even when he is awake. One day, a mysterious string of words appears on his computer's monitor: "The Matrix has you." ...... (To be released in September by Warner Bros.)

    小島秀夫(こじま・ひでお):株式会社コナミコンピュータエンタテイメントジャパン取締役。『スナッチャー』『ポリスノーツ』『メタルギア ソリッド』など、独特の世界観を持つ作品を創り続けるゲー厶職人。また、ゲーム業界屈指の映画通としても知られる。

    Hideo Kojima is the director of Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, and the creator of "Snatcher," "Policenauts," "Metal Gear Solid," and other titles with a unique worldview. He is also known as one of the best movie connoisseurs in the game industry.

    Translators Note: The japanese word for hammy acting is in the original text 大根. It could also mean daikon (a mild-flavored winter radish). Here in Germany there is also a vegetable ("Lauch," in English "Leek") that is used to describe a man - in this case it means weak & pale. But its tone is rather ironic and cheekish. Therefore I went for "hammy" since it is also used to describe an acting style that is very theatrical which seems to suit many performances of Keanu. The DeepL A.I. instead interpreted the word with decent or moderate - but also with "bad" and I don't think that Hideo would be so harsh.

    submitted by /u/A_Kojima_Archivist
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    Poor Desperado soldier's nationality in MGRR...

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 04:56 AM PST

    So at the point where Samuel "Jetstream" Rodriguez let Raiden listen to the enemies's thoughts in order to destabilize him and induce him his PTSD, we hear an enemy that wanted to get to the States. The weird points are : he is speaking English, mention a "little Katie" (a purely English name", an IEDs taking his legs and we see that ALL enemies in MGRR are white skinned, except for Mistral and Monsoon. So any idea of which country could be? The major English speaking countries seems to be well off and peaceful, like UK, Ireland, Malta, Gibraltair, South Africa. Maybe Falklands/Malvinas but they are peaceful since the war in 1982. What do you think about it?

    submitted by /u/DannyGamerThorist
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    Issues buying Metal Gear Rising DLC (Xbox 360)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 11:56 AM PST

    Okay so I'm attempting to buy a few of the Costume DLCs for MGR:R on the Xbox 360 and for some reason no matter what I do the payment won't go through. I've tried using my Credit Card on the console and through the Microsoft website. No luck. I even bought a gift card and it still won't work.

    I can't be the only person to try to buy this recently. Bro I just want to play as Grey Fox lmao. Thanks in advance for any advice!

    submitted by /u/gubbgub
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    I've been enjoying MGS5 for awhile now, any tips?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 10:34 AM PST

    [MGS5] Game Keeps Crashing

    Posted: 11 Dec 2021 08:09 AM PST

    I was in the middle of one of the early missions and reached a checkpoint. I died and quit the game but when I went back on it the game would just crash whenever i get past the loading after screen after the ACC menu. It has just a white screen with the sound of a sandstorm and it hard crashes my pc so I have to hold down the power button to turn it off. I have played other games without issue so I don't think it's a hardware problem. Also, the steam overlay and geforce experience overlay that show at startup look very grainy and glitchy. I turned off both of them because an online post said that can fix the issue but that has done nothing so far.

    submitted by /u/fuck_communism__
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    Thank you for eating the ketchup rather than escaping with me this year.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2021 08:44 PM PST

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