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    Saturday, October 23, 2021

    METAL GEAR SOLID What a despicable thing to say

    METAL GEAR SOLID What a despicable thing to say

    What a despicable thing to say

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    Some DD Screenshots I made. Feel free to share some of your own if you have good ones.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    Favorite bit of my MGS collection, does anyone else own the books?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    This happen to Sokolov after he pissed himself, is this a glitch or some weird Easter egg?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    less go

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    Playing this for the first time ever soon, any tips?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    Imagine if this game had expansions.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Is MGS4 one of the few PS3 games that could pass for a PS4 game?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    I've played some PS4 games that don't have the same level of sophistication that MGS4 had. That game was ahead of its time.

    submitted by /u/Abad_Cal_Gawayam
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    Recent pickups to add to the mgs collection.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 12:37 AM PDT

    Playing Portable Ops for the first time, any tips?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Happy Sunday! That old line from Metal Gear 2 kinda feel like meme potential...

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    David Hayter Interview From MCM Comic Con on 23rd October 2021

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    AI, are you ok? Because you're not yourself today.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    What's the music playing at the beginning of the infection mission while you're in the chopper?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    Soldiers with good medical stats

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    I just completed ''Angel with Broken Wings'', which triggered Kaz establishing the Med Team. I only have 2 personnel assigned to it, so I wanted to ask if there were any specific missions where you can find prisoners or captains with good medical stats. If anyone's able to answer, thanks a bunch.

    submitted by /u/SarkicPreacher777659
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    Perfection (by benderdikart, on Instagram)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2021 04:07 PM PDT


    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    I just finished Peace Walker and had some questions.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    So after grinding for like 5 and a half hours straight to get the true ending, Kaz tells Snake that he knew Zadornov and Paz were Cipher or KGB or whatever they were the entire time, but was using them or something.

    What? What did he mean by that? He knew they were tricking MSF all along? Wouldn't the story have been literally exactly the same if he didn't know they were bad guys? Also Snake says Kaz brought Paz and the professor to Columbia or something and idk what that means cuz it took me like 3 years to beat this thing.

    Also, what was the point of Zadornov's character? He doesn't do anything the entire game and then you find him against the wall like a dark souls npc or something and then Snake just kills him. What was the point of his existence in the game?

    Also I'm not sure which name is stupider, Hot Coldman or motherfucking Pacifica Ocean. The plot of the Metal Gear Solid series has always been most comparable to being a kid and making up a convoluted storyline for your action figures, but I think even as a kid you'd think of a better name than Skullface or Pacifica Ocean lol.

    submitted by /u/Zwarlie
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    It would have blown my mind if David Hayter had voiced one character in MGSV [Spoilers]

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    You all know who. The 2nd patient. It would have really driven home what was happening, who we were, the level of manipulation and delusion that had been occurring. A missed opportunity maybe.

    submitted by /u/wowlolcat
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    Did MGS5 live up to these gameplay demos?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Before the game released I watched these demos and was blown away, but was expecting the old style of story telling along with this amazing gameplay, but sadly when it wasn't what I expected I ended up playing the game through once and left it.

    Looking back at these demos now all these years later, how do people feel about the gameplay looking back now?

    For me personally, none of my gameplay ever looked anywhere close to this level of exciting and dynamic gameplay. I'm not entirely sure why, apart from the obvious that I am not a gameplay designer like the person playing, but it might have been feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of options or not enough practice with the missions, or in the final game the missions not really allowing for what these demos really promised. Or perhaps the GMP costs being balanced too expensive caused me to not want to switch buddies and weapons as often as in the demos?

    Can anybody honestly say they have played the game in a way that really lived up to the promise of these demos?

    I'm probably going to start a new playthrough after going back over the demos and see for myself if the game is really set up in reality to be able to play like this.

    If anybody has any recommended gameplay videos from players that sort of live up to that, please send them my way.

    Here are the demos I'm referencing by the way.




    I think of all of them the second one with Quiet is among the furthest from what the actual final game plays like, but I can't say that for one hundred percent certainty.

    I think what most conflicts with how players actually played the game, was that this kind of gameplay I believe required far too much knowledge about the level design, combat encounters and how they could play out, that was far too beyond what the average player who played the game had knowledge of.

    This post isn't meant to imply the gameplay of MGS5 is bad, I think nobody would dispute the gameplay is amazing, but I'm just trying to discuss if it's as amazing as what these demos really showed.

    submitted by /u/DeCoR32
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    Should be a warning

    Posted: 23 Oct 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    So, thought I should give PS Now a shot because I wanted to play the HD-Collection without setting up my PS3 again. And I got kinda frustraded that I completely forgot that these titles are pressure sensitive, and I did not think of that before the second I startet MGS2..

    So now it seems kinda pointless getting PS Now if you want to play this on your PS5 or 4. I think Konami or Sony could at least add a warning or some sort of heads up that there will be problems playing these titles on a newer console/controller.

    And at the time being you cant use your DS3 controller either which is a shame because then it would not be a problem..

    submitted by /u/LiquidRaid3n
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