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    Monday, February 15, 2021




    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 10:31 AM PST

    Not to mention his theme song was pretty creepy.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:17 PM PST

    This mad lad climbed the ladder (from MGS3) in VRChat!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 10:27 AM PST

    I’m coding a Metal Gear inspired stealth action game from scratch (more in comments)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 12:01 PM PST

    Flaming Buffalo pointing at you because you're awesome.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 06:33 AM PST

    Missed branding opportunity

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 08:06 PM PST

    I wish I could experience a fist fight with Cyborg Ninja on 60FPS and PS5 graphics. :-)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 08:08 AM PST

    Venom Snake MSX style (with a modern pixel-art touch)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 08:53 AM PST


    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 10:12 AM PST

    I was bored in school...so you do the reasonable thing and make a fan-made trailer of Metal Gear Solid 4 based on Logan's trailer (great movie!)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 11:25 AM PST

    Finally got MGSV during the LNY Sale; this was one of the few releases in the past 6 years that got me into Singleplayer games again!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 03:03 PM PST

    Time for some AFGHAN side-ops...

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 03:24 PM PST

    The lore,jack

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:55 PM PST

    I have been looking at the lore for mgs and I have a few questions

    1: are the tranq rounds bullets or like darts cause They seem to be able to be loaded into a ballistic gun but that seems superfluous if they aren't generally analogs to the original ammunition (like why would you convert a gun if you had to totally gut it and redo the insides at that point just make a new gun)

    2 (this one is somewhat long): the virus that infects quiet,code walker, the skulls, and even the granddaddy of sniping. What can they do specifically? Because from how their talked about they seem to give a slight control over the bodies functions (like breathing eating and sweating) but where exactly does that stop if it does? And a few things on the skulls powers specifically. Do they break down their guns and store them within their bodies for later use or do they create them on the spot and either one could they perhaps store extra ammo or actually now that I really think about it they could store their whole kit inside them for covert ops (this is obviously assuming that they have their full mental capacity) and if they create their guns could they perhaps modify them on the fly like if there was a very general purpose rifle that could be configured into anything you could need (sniper, LMG, PDW, etc) could they convert them to another form in the middle of a fight to shit the situation. The gas is something else it's shown to be able to control people could it cause them to pass out but leave them fine later if used by someone like snake or raiden. if someone were to be given the virus could they have abilities analogous to quiets immediately or would they have to train with guns to get her aim because that was attributed to her senses as well as her skill so would those senses be enough to give a regular person great aim. Could someone with the virus and metal archea make a layer of metal on their body to block attacks (like Armstrong)

    Sorry if this is ranty but I have had these questions since I got into mgs

    submitted by /u/sbeven04
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    Metal Gear Saga Volume 2: Birth of Snake

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 07:19 AM PST

    What are those things on snakes shoulders?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:54 AM PST

    Guide on how to play all the games on PC.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 04:27 PM PST

    I am going to post this post in multiple subs that might be interested in playing these games for the first time, and after playing them all more people need to experience these master pieces.

    First if you have never played most people recommend playing them in release order,mg1,mg2,mgs1,mgs2,mgs3,portable ops,mgs4,mgs peacewalker, ground zeros, mgs5.

    My personal recommendation however is mg1, mg2,mgs1,mgs2,mgs3,portable ops, peace walker, ground zeros, the phantom pain before ending it all with mgs4 as it ends the series absolutely perfectly, and I personally feel it's the perfect way to end the series being set chronologically ahead of all the other games but either order works really. another note is technically you dont need to play mg1-2, they are old and very outdated, but i still think its worth it as mg2 has an amazing story and they help flesh out mgs1 a lot, i would say just try them and if you really cant stand them just move on to mgs1

    Before continuing I don't support piracy, and will always promote getting games the legit way, and if they where all on steam or some other store I would be promoting the hell out of that, but we don't live in a perfect world, and I still feel like more people need to play these masterpieces, so i am providing an alternative for trying to find outdated consoles and games.

    Anyway, how to play them all on pc, there are very few official releases but all can be played through some type of emulation. I have also provided links or some fixes and patches, and most of the games can be played on any gaming hardware perfectly fine for reference I have a gtx 1060 and i5-4690k. note I will not be linking where I found the non-official release games. Willing to help with any technical issues or discussions down in the comments. Without further ado:

    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1582eDqxJxUHZKfaXKfI2pptvicM23gqn?usp=sharing (link for fixes and patches)

    Mg1- gog release (https://www.gog.com/game/metal_gear)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehlAMTh42Ko&ab_channel=Khonziel (super helpful walkthrough as the game is hard and vague)

    Mg2- msx emulator and 🏴‍☠️ . https://fms.komkon.org/fMSX/ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQvfYfiWxZg&t=15483s&ab_channel=Khonziel) (super helpful walkthrough)

    (note these two games are also available through some versions of mgs3 but I could not figure it out lol so I just did it this way)

    Mgs1-gog, with a widescreen Fix (check link up top)


    Mgs2- gog, with V fix (borderline essential and super easy to dowload)



    Mgs3- ps2 emulator, game from 🏴‍☠️ + widescreen and 60fps patch, activate cheats on the pcsx2 menu, go to video and put the settings to what you like.

    (also available through ps3 emulation but my pc was not good enough)


    Mgs portable ops- psp emulator, game from 🏴‍☠️, with a 60fps patch, Put the settings you like, activate cheats, change key binding to fix terrible controls (Technically this game is non-canon(not worked on by Kojima) but its story is relevant and I believe very interesting and essential)

    Mgs peacewalker hd- ps3 emulator and 🏴‍☠️ (use build in drive to fix some glitches that occur otherwise)

    Mgs ground zeros- Steam (thx god) https://store.steampowered.com/app/311340/METAL_GEAR_SOLID_V_GROUND_ZEROES/

    Mgs the phantom pain- steam (thx god) (lots of cool mods for that game check them out on nexus) https://store.steampowered.com/app/287700/METAL_GEAR_SOLID_V_THE_PHANTOM_PAIN/


    Mgs4 ps3 emulator but my pc was not good enough so ended up watching a 4K ps3 emulator playthrough, but if your pc is good enough it should work on this custom build https://github.com/rajkosto/rpcs3/releases ,alternatively use the 7day free trial on psnow and see if you can run it that way,

    (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEh8pd-FJc5McTjZaldxbvFwHbKgk1386) video I used.

    Bonus games(non canon and future spinoffs)

    Ghost babel-Gameboy non-canon spinoff set after mg1, its okay, https://sourceforge.net/projects/vba/

    Metal gear the twin snakes-

    Hilarious remake of mgs1, with matrix like cutscenes, not recommended for first mgs1 playthrough but it's a fun time if you want to compare them, https://dolphin-emu.org/

    Metal gear acid 1-2

    Metal gear Gwent? idk I tried a bit and could not figure it out, but you can try if your curious through psp emulator.

    Metal gear rising:revengence

    Steam(thx god) spin off set after mgs4, just watch this and your sold.(brief footage of the first bossfight, about 10 miuntes into the game) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM33Hr94SKw&ab_channel=SoulerVids


    DO NOT CLICK,DO NOT PLAY >METAL GEAR SURVIVE, trust me, just don't. :https://store.steampowered.com/app/543900/METAL\_GEAR\_SURVIVE/( <

    Anyway hopefully this encourages some people to check out the games, and sorry if there is bad spelling or formatting this is my first big post like this.

    submitted by /u/slenderman2525
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    So......what happened to the Fukushima fanbase?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 11:57 PM PST

    Just like the title says; what happened to the Fukushima fanbase who started calling him the secret genius behind the MGS series? Last year, ArcHound, translated some interviews from MGS and MGS2 days where Fukushima stated that he did not join KojiPro until after the story, plot, characters, themes, etc... were written and completely mapped by Kojima. The same thing happened with the "most" genius game of this series that apparently wasn't created by Kojima but rather the secret mastermind/creative genius Fukushima.....who goes on the interview to talk about how he didn't work on MGS2 until all the concepts, themes, story, characters etc... were already written by Kojima.

    In general, throughout the interviews Fukushima sounds like someone that is basically trying to copy Kojima's style(nothing wrong with that) but in this fanbase, there is apparently a group of people that consider him to be some blazing creative genius that Kojima basically banked off on. Even in the interview when he is talking about Ghost Babel, he isn't talking like someone that has a vision but rather trying to essentially copy Kojima's style more than actually create his own.

    So when these translations came out, I thought there would be a lot more discussion on it since people have spent literally years spouting lies and basically crediting a dude that otherwise didn't have much creative input, and all that based on nothing. Finally, we have something to talk about from Fukushima's own description, Fukushima fanbase just....vanished and these translations were buried.......Why? Is it because the fiction that the fanbase created was better than the actual reality of Kojima being/have been the creative lead of the series?

    I myself have always found the notion to be just extremely ridiculous just because the fanbase didn't like the latter MGS games. I guess pretending that Kojima wasn't the creative lead on those previous games (and was on the latter games) somehow makes the fanbase feel better about not liking them? I especially liked how some people (especially on this subreddit) went as far as to credit Fukushima as the dude that secretly created MGS2 bosses and wrote the entire storylines, characters, themes, and Kojima just put his name on it.

    Just thought it was funny when the facts and documents came out, the fanbase suddenly vanished while they had spent years before spreading misinformation based on nothing but their own dislike for the latter games.

    Of course, we still got the supposed MGS expert on Youtube by the name of "SuperBunnyHop" who got some of the worst and most incompetently stupid "hot" takes on MGS series and one that has been the prime driver for this type of following but well, he is a matter for another day.

    This isn't meant to be a post about bashing Fukushima. I'm sure he was/is a talented individual. This post is strictly about Fukushima fanbase and the people who basically made him into something he clearly wasn't. I never felt it nor I ever needed any documents to prove that Kojima is the creator/creative lead of main MGS titles. The writing/directing style, as well as the vision, is pretty damn consistent with one person. That is indisputable. But since there are actual facts and things available, more than fan-fictions based on subjective and vague arbitrary lists, I think the discussion could be now really interesting.

    Link to the original tweets

    Link to the article/blogpost by ArcHound on his tlumblr

    Link to the article by TheSnakeSoup

    Link to another article-page with some more light being shined on Fukushima. *You might have to save the image and zoom in to read the part about Kojima and Fukushima

    The last image is from Nitroid on twitter

    submitted by /u/OcelotSilver
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    What Are Some of your Fucked up ideas that will make even Hideo Kojima Jealous?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:07 PM PST

    Metal gear online?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:05 PM PST

    What's the state of MGO does anyone still play it? Thinking about getting back into it if people still play.

    submitted by /u/Tyler-Is-Clutch
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    Mgs2 Platinum Question: Did i need to complete the game on European Extreme or just Extreme for all the Dog Tags?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 09:21 PM PST

    MGSV PHANTOM PAIN,... What bit rate is the 80s cassette soundtrack in the game?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 05:46 AM PST

    Does anyone else feel like Peace Walker/MGS V ruined Big Boss?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 12:35 PM PST

    MGS3 is one of my all time favorite games. Big Boss' relationship with the boss, and seeing how he dealt with the betrayal of his country made sense to see how he turned into a guy who hated America and you could see how he was a villain in MG1 and 2. Peace Walker comes along and now he hates the Boss, because she sacrificed herself? He has a tremendous hard on for war all of a sudden, and this is only furthered in V with Kaz completely losing his mind and egging him on.

    submitted by /u/BossAtlas
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    Research for development

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 11:11 AM PST

    I have started playing mgsv and I've gotten to the point where I'm able to reliably stealth places but I'm wondering if there is a way to increase the level of the mb facility efficiently (minus the fobs)

    submitted by /u/sbeven04
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